Keynote Speakers
Luciano Floridi is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, where he directs the Digital Ethics Lab (DELab) of the Oxford
Internet Institute. He is also Faculty Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and Chair of its Data Ethics research Group, and Chairman of the Ethics Advisory Board
of the European Medical Information Framework. He seats on the EU's Ethics Advisory Group on Ethical Dimensionsn of Data Protection, on the Royal Society
and British Academy Working Group on Data Governance, and on Google Advisory Board on “the right to be forgotten”.
His areas of expertise include the philosophy of information, digital ethics, and the philosophy of technology. Among his recent books, all published by Oxford
University Press: The Fourth Revolution - How the infosphere is reshaping human reality (2014), The Ethics of Information (2013), The Philosophy of Information
Internet Institute. He is also Faculty Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and Chair of its Data Ethics research Group, and Chairman of the Ethics Advisory Board
of the European Medical Information Framework. He seats on the EU's Ethics Advisory Group on Ethical Dimensionsn of Data Protection, on the Royal Society
and British Academy Working Group on Data Governance, and on Google Advisory Board on “the right to be forgotten”.
His areas of expertise include the philosophy of information, digital ethics, and the philosophy of technology. Among his recent books, all published by Oxford
University Press: The Fourth Revolution - How the infosphere is reshaping human reality (2014), The Ethics of Information (2013), The Philosophy of Information
Eugénio Oliveira is Full Professor at the University of Porto, Department of Computer Science (Informatics Engineering), Faculty of Engineering. Founder and Coordinator of the DAIAS- Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Agent-based Simulation Group. Director of LIACC- Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory at the University of Porto (including different groups from the Faculties of Sciences and Engineering). Creator and Director of PRODEI, the Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering at FEUP.Founding Member of APPIA (Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence). His current topics of interest include Multi-Agent Systems architectures and applications, Agents for trustworthy Networking (Negotiation, Trust and Reputation, Normative environments, Electronic Contracts), "Emotional-like" Agents as well as Learning and Adaptive Agent Strategies for Co-operation and Conflict Resolution. Text Mining for knowledge and information extraction.
Estela Bicho is Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Department of Industrial Electronics at University of Minho, Portugal, where she is responsible for courses in Non-linear Dynamical Systems, Control and Robotics and heads the research lab on Autonomous (mobile and anthropomorphic) Robotics & Dynamical systems. She is the Director-Adjunto of the ALGORITMI Research Centre. She is also a staff member of the MIT|Portugal Joint Program on Advanced Studies in Bioengineering. Between 1995-99 she was a member of the ‘Equipe de Dynamique’, lead by Prof. Gregor Schöner, at the Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences Cognitives at CNRS in Marseille, France. Her research concentrates on the use of dynamical systems for the design and implementation of neuro-cognitive control architectures for single and multi-robot systems, including Human-robot interaction & collaboration. She has been PI in several national and EU funded research projects in robotics.
Note: Professor Bicho is sick and she will not recover at time for the conference. The organizing committee wish her a quick recover and our best regards.
Note: Professor Bicho is sick and she will not recover at time for the conference. The organizing committee wish her a quick recover and our best regards.
Luís Moniz Pereira is a Professor of Computer Science (retired) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and founder and director of CENTRIA (1993-2008), the Centre for Artificial Intelligence at the same University. He was elected a Fellow of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) in 2001, received a doctor honoris causa degree from the TU Dresden in 2006 and has been part of the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board of IMDEA, the Madrid Advanced Studies Software Institute, since 2006. He is the founding president of the Portuguese Artificial Intelligence Association (APPIA), and serves on the editorial boards of various scientific journals. His research, which he has presented in hundreds of publications, focuses on knowledge representation and reasoning, logic programming, and the cognitive sciences. Currently, he is affiliated with the NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics (NOVA-LINCS). More detailed information, including his awards, teaching and publications, can be found at